Thursday 6 September 2012


Name : Amirul Azis

Place of Birth : Yong Peng, Johor

Date of Birth : 12 January 1992

Position in family : 4 siblings and I'm the eldest


I can't let myself sleep tonight. I need to finish up writing post on this blog as it has to be submitted tomorrow. As I started to write, I cursed a little. To tell the truth, writing was never gonna be part of me. I'm not good at writing.

For the past 20 years of living, I've never create a blog. I don't know how to run a blog because creating it was never came across my mind. Luckily my dearest lecturer asked us to create a blog as our assignment. Now that I know how to run a blog.

Since the first time I enter UiTM in 2010, I learnt a lot of things. Be it formally or informally. I learn formally through teaching and learning session and informally through experiences, observations, friendships and not to forget, woman.

The first day I register as a Diploma in Business Studies student, I promised to myself that I'm gonna pursue my dream to become the next Malaysian's Prime Minister when I grow up. One day, I will rise!

Monday 27 August 2012


"Assalamualaikum and Good Morning Malaysia. First and foremost, I would like to thank you, all of you, for taking time out of your busy schedules to lend an ear to my speech on this beautiful morning.

My desire to lead this great country didn’t just appear over night. I am real probably one of the realist brothers you would ever meet. Not because I talk the talk, but I walk the walk.Time is out for our country to be deceived by lying politicians with no burning desire to lead this great nation.I refuse to stand before you all tonight and tickle your ears with empty promises. We all live united in the same country which means we all know the key issues that needs to be addressed. 

That is why I stand here with sincerity and honesty in my heart and a burning, determined desire to make Malaysia became “the country that sits upon a hill”, and the epitome of a strong united nation. I am not concern with what Malaysia is today but my true focus is what Malaysia is so eager to become.

As the new Prime Minister of the country, I promise you that,

No longer will we overlook the instability of our country.

No longer will we overlook the lack of unity, peace and the promotion of Democracy in our homeland.

No longer will we ignore the urgent cry for attention concerning Global Health.

No longer will we make excuses for the lack of manpower and strategical intelligence in our department of defense.

No long will we deprive seniors and veterans of their healthcare benefits.

No longer will we deprive our youth of a good education, nor will we charge so much money that it is financially impossible for an average poor kid not really talented in any areas to attend a post-secondary institution of learning.

That is the kind of nation that I will lead as Prime Minister. Not really caring about where we came from but focus on where we are going. The decision today is placed in hands of you. You have an opportunity to practice the guidelines of democracy and to gain the power that was once own by the people.

It is time for the people to remove the blindfolds by those false politicians and see the beauty of this country at its full potential. It is time for the people to realize that beautiful image that your eyes painted for you can too be your dwelling place. The choice is yours 

So my people unite your voice."

This is my presidential speech after the country's election. Alhamdulillah, I am the new Prime Minister of Malaysia. Till then, goodnight.


Malam ni gua overnight. Semata-mata nak siapkan blog yang nak kena submit esok. Nasib baik overnight dengan dua orang awek gowjes. Ilham nak menulis blog ni tiba-tiba mencurah-curah bak hujan kat Melaka petang tadi bila ada diorang. Singgah ke CC, gua pun mula melepaskan maki hamun waktu nak menulis. Tapi gua sabar lagi, nak kaver depan aweks ni.

Jadi memandangkan tujuan gua ke CC adalah untuk siapkan blog ni, maka bersaksikan PC number 9 dengan diapit aweks kiri dan kanan, gua ketuk papan keyboard slow-slow supaya dapat menikmati momen-momen indah dengan diorang malam ni. Peh.

Selama 20 tahun hidup, ini kali pertama gua buat blog. Jadah apa ada dalam blog ni semua gua tak pernah nak tau pun. Mujur lecturer bagi esaimen ni baru gua tau macam mana nak tulis dan kendalikan blog. Terima kasih miss!

Sejak masuk UiTM dari tahun 2010, gua diajar dengan macam-macam benda secara formal dan tak formal. Secara formal disini bermaksud sesi pembelajaran dan pengajaran dalam kelas. Tak formal pula gua belajar dari pengalaman, pengamatan, persahabatan dan perempuan.

Hari pertama mendaftarkan diri sebagai Pelajar Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan Universiti Teknologi MARA, Alor Gajah, Melaka, gua dah tanam dan pasak semangat yang jitu nak berjaya dalam bidang ni. Ditempatkan di Kolej Jebat selama 4 semester di tingkat 4, semakin hari semakin bercambah-cambah sayang gua kat kolej tempat tinggal gua ni. Memang dalam banyak-banyak kolej lelaki dalam UiTM Melaka ni, Kolej Jebat la paling lejen sekali. Mana gua tak sayang kolej ni.

Pelajar UiTM Melaka ni secara totalnya ada lebih 8000 orang setiap semester. Bersilih ganti keluar dan masuk. Bermakna, ramai juga manusia yang gua kenal disini keluar dan masuk dalam hidup gua. Semuanya meninggalkan kenangan dan pengalaman kepada gua. Ah, gua tak reti nak ulas panjang-panjang pasal manusia ni.

*nice bebey*

Sebelum Baligh.

Nama diberi Amirul Azis,
Anak jati Yong Peng ni terkenal macam artis.

Ini aku nak cerita kisah hidupku,
Aku bukan jenis orang yang malu,
Kadang-kadang perangai berbulu,
Takpe yang penting mak aku sayang aku.

12 Januari 1992 aku mula kenal dunia,
Anak pertama yang mak aku bela,
Adik aku ada tiga,
Tiga cukup la.

Dari kecik kulit putih,
Ada orang sangka aku anak mat salih,
Tapi mak aku sangkal habih-habih,
Kata dia aku anaknya yang sahih.

Aku mampu tulis sampai sini saja,
Dalam post lain nanti aku cerita lagi ya.

*nice bebey*